Join Our Club

Want to learn how to make jewelry from rocks or metalsmith yourself a ring? You're in the right place!

If you live in the SF Bay Area, join our club today!

For a membership fee of just $45 dollars a calendar year, you'll get exclusive access to all types of rock-related arts. If you join after July 1st, you pay $22.50 for the second half of the year. There is also a requirement for members to work on our annual Gem and Mineral Show at least 6 hours per year. This is the biggest source of income for the club and we would not be able to operate without it. 

Here are just some of the benefits of joining our society:

  • Access to the best rock cutting workshop in the SF Bay Area
  • Free instruction with our shop manager to learn how to cut your first rock into a finished product, known as a cabochon
  • Free Brazilian Agate to be used to make your first cabochon
  • Low-cost use of our diamond-blade slabbing saws 
  • Free use of our grinding and polishing machines 
  • Access to occasional at-cost classes including:
    • Metalsmithing
    • Casting gold and silver into your own ring or pendant designs (Lost wax casting)
    • Gem Cutting (faceting and cabochons)
    • Wire wrapping
  • Low-cost silent auctions at our general meetings
  • Free access to our extensive library on rocks and minerals


Fill out this form and bring it to the shop on beginners night (most Wednesday's at 6 pm). Send an email to to sign up.

We also have copies available at the shop.